Over 71.000 jobs available in Denmark (OTE)

Some 71.400 jobs are available in Denmark mainly in Copenhagen, the Office of Tunisians Abroad (OTE) announced on Wednesday.   The available jobs cover different specialities such as industry, science, engineering, law, health, education, IT, electricity, etc., the OTE pointed out in a press release.   Candidates for these jobs can apply for a work and residence permit as the […]

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Joint entrepreneurship programme between Tunisia and AfDB

The Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training has started drawing up an action and cooperation programme in entrepreneurship with the African Development Bank (AfDB), as well as a plan for the implementation of this programme in the short and medium term.   The two sides agreed during a working session held in Tunis between the Chief of Staff of the […]

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Tunisia, UNESCO to organise workshp on promotion of vocational training in Tunisia

The Employment and Vocational Training Ministry and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) agreed to jointly organise a workshop on the promotion of the vocational training sector in Tunisia.   During a meeting held Wednesday with UNESCO Education Programme Manager for Maghreb Hélène Guiol, Employment and Vocational Training Minister Nasreddine Ncibi underscored the importance of bilateral partnership […]

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Tunisia joins international cooperation programme on biotechnology-derived vaccines (Louzir)

Tunisia joined an international cooperation programme to obtain biotechnology-derived medications and vaccines, said Director of the Tunis Institut Pasteur Hachemi Louzir.   The announcement was made as Louzir attended alongside Health Minister Ali Mrabet the World Bio-Summit 2022 on the theme “The Future of Vaccine and Bio-health” in Seoul, South Korea, last October 25-27.   The South Korean government took […]

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Tunisair Express to be “Premium Partner” of Francophonie Summit in Djerba

Tunisair express will be the “Premium Partner” of the 18th Francophonie Summit scheduled for November 19-20 in Djerba, by virtue of a partnership agreement signed by the carrier and the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA).   The agreement stipulates that the carrier will transport all the Summit Organising Committee (SOC) members on its Tunis-Djerba-Tunis service, according to a press release […]

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Czech Republic encourages operators to invest in Tunisia (Jiří Kozák)

Czeck Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jiří Kozák said Wednesday there are opportunities of partnership between Tunisian and zech enterprises. The Czech government, he added, encourages operators to invest in Tunisia.   Jiří Kozák told TAP on the sidelines of a trade mission to the Czech Republic organised by the Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (French: CONECT) his department is […]

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Tunisia needs to open up onto other European markets (CONECT)

While the Czech Republic is an active member of the European Union, the primary destination of Tunisian exports with 70%, Tunisia is still targeting the French, German and Italian markets, said Vice-President of the Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (CONECT-International) Salma Elloumi.   Tunisia needs to open up onto other European markets and put light on its economic fabric, Elloumi […]

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1st meetings on innovation: gov’t priority is to reform all state enterprises (spokesperson)

«The current priority of the government is to reform all state enterprises, without privatising any of them,» government spokesman Nasreddine Nsibi said Thursday at Dar Dhiafa, Carthage, on the sidelines of the first meetings on innovation,   Speaking to reporters, he added that the programme submitted by the government to the IMF is based on approach whereby there will be […]

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Agriculture: Soilless cultivation technology reduces water use for irrigation by 80%

The technology of hydroponics (soilless cultivation) adopted under the Tunisian-Italian cooperation project INTESA, can reduce the use of water for irrigation by 80%, compared to traditional agriculture and 90% use of chemical fertilisers, said adviser to the President of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP) and coordinator of the project, Bayrem Hamada.   At an international conference on […]

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