WFP Tunisia Country Brief, January 2023

• WFP launched an audit of the internal and external communication of the School Works Office as part of the capacity-strengthening of national institutions’ activities

• WFP and the School Works Office held a workshop to define the joint work plan for 2023

• US$ 0.3 m six months (February-July 2023) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

• As part of the capacity-strengthening of national institutions, WFP has launched an audit of the internal and external communication of the Office des Oeuvres Scolaires (School Works Office -OOESCO), at the request of the latter. This audit will allow the evaluation of best practices and challenges faced by OOESCO in its communications, especially with school teams and parents. The findings will be presented in a workshop at the end of February. The recommendations will be used to develop a five-year strategy and an annual action plan for more effective and efficient communication.

WFP and the OOESCO held a workshop to define the joint work plan for 2023. The focus included the digitalisation of OOESCO’s databases and the supply chain for school canteens. The digital solutions aimed at fostering a digital community ecosystem connecting central kitchens, drivers, and smallholder farmers to improve the nutritional diet of school children in Tunisia.

The launch of the Last Mile Ecosystem application in the central canteens, notably that of Kerkennah island (in the governorate of Sfax) was discussed. The application facilitates supply chain management for school canteens. The digital application helps link the production of smallholder farmers to school canteens through a network of transporters and facilitates the transport of hot meals from central canteens to satellite canteens.

Another highlight was the changes in OOESCO’s status to enable it to include local purchases for school canteens, thus allowing smallholder farmers to have access to the school canteen market. WFP will continue to support the capacity-strengthening of OOESCO and its staff, mainly through training and workshops.

Source: World Food Programme