‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): تقدم الصين حلولًا لإصلاح العجز في الأمن العالمي والتنمية

بكين، 16 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire/ —  التنمية والأمن هي الاهتمامات المشتركة لجميع البلدان، والتي يعوق متابعتها التغيرات العالمية التي تحدث مرة واحدة في القرن والتي تتشابك مع الوباء غير المسبوق. في مدينة سمرقند الأوزبكية، يجتمع قادة من البلدان الأعضاء في منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون ( SCO ) مع العديد من البلدان المراقبة وشركاء الحوار شخصيًا من 15 […]

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القمة العالمية للذكاء الاصطناعي تُختتم في الرياض لتؤكد من جديد على مصلحة المملكة العربية السعودية المتزايدة في تشكيل مستقبل الذكاء الاصطناعي

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, 17 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022 /PRNewswire/ — اختُتمت اليوم القمة العالمية للذكاء الاصطناعي في نسختها الثانية؛ لتؤكد على اعتراف المملكة العربية السعودية بالأهمية المتزايدة للذكاء الاصطناعي واستثمارها فيها. حيث جمعت الفعالية العالمية التي استمرت ثلاثة أيام قادة وخبراء بارزين في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي؛ من أجل مناقشة الفرص والقيود التي تمثلها التكنولوجيا. واستقطبت […]

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Morocco-EU: Meeting in Rabat Discusses Concerns about State of Marine Resources’ State in Mediterranean Sea

Chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of Maritime Fisheries, Zakia Driouich, and the Deputy Director, Head of the EU Fisheries Management Unit in the Mediterranean, Valerie Laine, this meeting was marked by the examination of elements of reflection on new proposals for recommendations and resolutions to be considered at the 45th session of the General Fisheries Commission for […]

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Morocco Records 19 New COVID-19 Cases over Past 24 Hours

A total of 24,900,883 people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while the number of fully vaccinated people (1st and 2nd doses) has reached 23,395,091, the ministry pointed out in its daily COVID-19 bulletin, noting that 6,789,069 people have received the third dose of the vaccine, while 46,333 people have received the fourth dose. According to the same source, the number […]

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National Dialogue on Urban Planning, Housing Kicks Off

“The National Dialogue on Urban Planning and Housing is part of the implementation of the High Royal Instructions to allow citizens to enjoy a decent housing and quality and encourage productive investment, “said Friday in Rabat, El Mansouri at this ceremony. She added that “this national dialogue is of particular importance because it will implement a new development model at […]

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Magnitude-4 Quake Recorded Off Driouch Province

The tremor, whose epicenter is located off the coast of the province of Driouch, occurred at 10:05:49 pm (GMT+1), said the ING’s National Seismic Monitoring Network in an alert bulletin. At a depth of 13 kilometers, the tremor took place at a latitude of 35.660°N and a longitude of 3.554°W, according to the same source.   Source: Agency Morocaine De […]

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MAP DG Holds Talks with EU Ambassador in Rabat

The meeting was an opportunity for both parties to have an overview of the regional and international news and to review the depth of the links and the solidity of the partnership uniting Morocco and the European Union. Mr. Hachimi Idrissi took this opportunity to highlight the place Morocco enjoys today on the international and regional scene as an actor […]

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Morocco Wins Continental Futsal Championship in Thailand

The goals of the Moroccan Futsal squad were scored by Youssef Jouad (2), Khalid Bouzid Stitou and Ismail Ouaddouh, while Saeid Ahmadabbasi and Hossein Tayyebi Bidgoli (2) scored for the Iranian side. On Wednesday, the national team defeated its Finnish counterpart (4-1) in the semi-finals. The tournament is organized by Thailand in preparation for the Asian Futsal Championship, scheduled from […]

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U.S., Several NGOs Call on Algeria to Address Extremely Disturbing Human Rights Situation

Algeria was specifically called upon to address massive human rights violations against the population detained in Tindouf, in addition to the state’s refusal to assume its legal responsibilities and put an end to these heinous crimes, despite the repeated findings and appeals of the mechanisms of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. As Chair of the U.S. […]

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