Budget deficit down 57.7% end of May 2021

(TAP) – The budget deficit dropped from 3,368 million dinars (MD) at the end of May 2020 to 1,422 MD at the end of May 2021, standing at 57.7% decrease, according to the document on the execution of the State budget, published recently by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Investment Support.   This drop in the deficit is due […]

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SNCFT/Line n°13: Phosphate and goods trains resume traffic

(TAP) – The National Company of Tunisian Railways (SNCFT) on Friday evening announced that the traffic of night trains carrying phosphates and goods on the line n°13 between Sfax and Tozeur via Metlaoui has resumed activity.   The SNCFT has mobilised a 20-wagon train to ensure the transport of 1,300 tons of phosphates between Metlaoui and Skhira.   The company […]

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CTN: travelers entering Tunisia must present less than 72 hour-negative PCR test

(TAP)- The Tunisian Navigation Company (CTN) on Saturday said all travelers entering Tunisia starting August 1, 2021 must present a negative PCR test, conducted less than 72 hours before check-in and are subject to a 7-day self-quarantine from the date of arrival, in accordance with the presidential decree of July 30, 2021.   The CTN also recalled the obligation to […]

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Ennahdha rejects any prosecution of MPs before military courts

(TAP)-The Ennahdha movement said it rejects any prosecution of MPs before military courts and their imprisonment without any respect for the provisions of lifting immunity, guaranteed by the Constitution. The movement reacted to the imprisonment on Friday of MP Yassine Ayari, president of the “Hope and Work” movement, at the Tunis Civil Prison in execution of a court decision.   […]

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Greater Tunis governors end ban on vehicle traffic during weekends

(TAP)- Greater Tunis governors on Saturday decided to put an end to the measures regarding the ban on vehicle traffic during weekends and on the travel ban to and from Greater Tunis, after cancelling the previous measures published on July 12.   The governors of Greater Tunis (Tunis, Ariana, Manouba and Ben Arous) said in a statement on Saturday that […]

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Head of State calls on pharmacists to lower medicine prices

(TAP) – President of the Republic Kaïs Saïed called for lowering the prices of medicines, lauding the major role played by private pharmacists in response to the coronavirus pandemic.   Receiving Friday, the Director General of the Tunisian Central Pharmacy, the President of the National Council of Pharmacists and the Secretary General of the Union of Pharmacists, the Head of […]

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ARP presidency calls for urgent meeting of its bureau, whose activities are frozen, “to discuss arrest of MP Yassine Ayari”

(TAP) – The Presidency of the House of Peoples’ Representatives (ARP), whose activities have been frozen by the President of the Republic’s decision, denounced “the illegal arrest of MP Yassine Ayari.”   In a brief statement posted Friday evening, the presidency of the parliament “calls for an urgent meeting of the parliament’s bureau to examine this issue,” without giving details […]

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Curfew shortened from 10pm to 5am starting Sunday

(TAP)-The curfew has been shortened from 10pm to 5am starting this Sunday, August 1, under to a presidential decree issued on Friday by Head of State Kais Saied.   “From Sunday 1 August, the movement of people and vehicles will be banned throughout the territory from 10pm to 5am until further notice,” reads a press release from the Presidency of […]

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