CGTT launches on Labour Day “citizens’ initiative for better Tunisia”

Secretary General of the Tunisian General Confederation of Labour (CGTT) Habib Guiza announced on Friday that his organisation will launch on Labour Day a “citizens’ initiative for a better Tunisia” aiming at the achievement of a social and citizens’ contract which contributes to the treatment of the economic and social situation in the country.
Guiza said at a press conference in Tunis that his organisation will present to the executive power and civil society, the main lines of this citizen initiative, specifying that it will be based on several fundamental axes including respect for public and individual freedoms and the preservation of national sovereignty and the call to introduce reforms at the level of companies and the promotion of public services.
On another level, Guiza said that the CGTT is organising an international conference on trade union pluralism as part of the celebration of Labour Day (May 1st),
He reiterated the CGTT’s call for representativeness in the Higher Council for Social Dialogue, expressing its refusal of what he described as the “dissemination of false information with the aim of undermining trade union pluralism”.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP)