Legislative elections: three more challenges against preliminary results of run-off vote filed

Three more challenges against the preliminary results of the second round of legislative elections were filed with the Administrative Court, Communications Officer Fayçal Bouguerra told TAP on Tuesday, bringing the total to 39.

A hearing is set for Tuesday, he added. The Appeals Chamber, he reminded, rejected last February 3 a legal challenge lodged by a candidate in El Hamma–west Hamma constituency (Gabés) on the grounds of defect in form.

Rulings will be rendered by appeals chambers starting Wednesday until Saturday, the official further said.

Under Article 145 of the election law, challenges shall be filed against the preliminary runoff election results with the Administrative Court of Appeal within a maximum of three days from the date of their posting at the seat of the election commission.

The Independent High Authority for Elections announced last January 30 the preliminary results of runoff elections.

Source: Tap News Agency