Soumoud calls for withdrawal of decree law No. 54-2022

The Soumoud coalition called on Thursday for the withdrawal of decree-law No.54-2022 of September 13, 2022 on the fight against offences related to information and communication systems.


Considered as unconstitutional by the coalition, this decree-law targets the freedom of expression and aims to repress journalists and opponents.


Since the enactment of the Constitution of August 17, 2022 and the decree-law 54/2022, harassment campaigns and arrests of journalists and opponents have intensified, in violation of the freedom of the press and expression, the coalition said in a press release.


Soumoud further decried the systematic practices to silence and intimidate the journalists and opponents, expressing full solidarity with victims of harrasment and oppression.


The decree No.54-2022 failed to comply with the conditions of necessity and proportionality as set out in the new Constitution, which excludes all restrictions of rights and freedoms except by law, for a necessity required by a democratic regime and the aim to protect the rights of the others, or for public safety, national defence or public health, the coalition added.


According to Soumoud, choosing oppression and tyranny will only speed up the fall of the current regime which has proven its failure in managing the country’s affairs and guaranteeing the most basic conditions of a decent life for its citizens.


Source: Tap News Agency