Legislative elections: Ibsar Association for Blind People to deploy observers

Ibsar Association of Culture and Leisure for Blind and Visually Impaired People said it intends to deploy 36 observers (19 women and 17 men) to monitor the campaign (November 25 – December 15) for December 17 legislative elections.


Observers will be deployed over 12 governorates and 93 constituencies, that is 61.58% of total constituencies across the country, Ibsar said.


Training was given to observers in line with the human rights approach, which rests on compliance with guidelines on the accessibility of the electoral process to people with disablities. Ibsar will also monitor compliance of campaigning with these guidlines.


Ibsar was founded in September 2011. It seeks to ease the access of people with disabilities to information, fight disability-based discrimination and encourage positive discrimination.


Source: Tap News Agency